This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
What is the Perlman Symposium?
The Perlman Symposium on Antibiotic Discovery and Development is an event that has been sponsored by the Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology since 2010. It is a free, one-day symposium that features multiple speakers, short talks from trainees, 2 poster sessions, and an afternoon reception.
How much does registration cost?
Registration is FREE for all attendees of the Perlman Symposium thanks to a generous donation by Kato Perlman.
Who can attend the Perlman Symposium?
All students, trainees, faculty and staff are welcome to attend the Perlman Symposium. Individuals from UW-Madison and outside institutions are encouraged to join us!
Who can present a poster at the Perlman Symposium?
Poster presentation slots are reserved for undergraduate students, graduate students, and individuals who received their PhD within the last 3 years. The purpose of the poster session is to highlight research being done by trainees and early-career scientists.
What is a lightning talk?
Individuals who register to present a poster can also submit to be considered to give a “lightning talk” on our main stage. These short, 10-minute talks showcase scientists early on in their research careers to contrast the established expertise of our keynote speakers.
I missed the registration deadline, can I still attend?
If you missed registering for this year’s event, please email Allison Bauer at about late registration.
I missed the poster registration deadline, can I still present one?
Unfortunately, due to various event logistics, we do not allow late poster registrations. Individuals are still welcome to register for the Perlman Symposium as a regular attendee.
Where does the event take place?
The Perlman Symposium takes place on the first floor of the Microbial Sciences building in the Ebling Auditorium and the adjacent atrium.
How do I access the livestream?
Attendees will be sent a livestream link prior to the event. Firefox and Safari are the recommended browsers and if at any time the feed glitches or stalls, please refresh the browser. Virtual attendees won’t have a name tag or access to in-person events.
I requested a parking pass, what now?
After registration closes, the parking pass will be mailed to you prior to the event so that you have it when you arrive to campus.
You can find more information on the travel page: